On Thursday afternoon, Fort Scott practice manager Baily Davis took a few minutes to reflect on the progress of the clinic’s historic move to its new home on Main Street. She and a handful of other team members were in the new lobby busily assembling some of the more than 100 new desk chairs previously delivered. “I don’t know,” she said over the sounds of whirring electric screwdrivers and hearty laughter. “We’ve unpacked and assembled maybe 40 or so, so far, we’re chipping away at a mountain of boxes.”

On First Impressions

“I think it’s a gorgeous facility, and I think it’s going to benefit the community in ways we couldn’t imagine before. We have everything under one roof, and we’re expanding hours for lab and pharmacy and adding CT. It will be so great to have that so our patients can access those critical tests without paying huge out-of-pocket costs.”   

On Staff Enthusiasm

It’s interesting to see how everybody is involved, all the staff across the board. You know, people are moving chairs and helping sweep up. Carrying things and taking the trash out. They’re helping even though it’s not in their area. They are happy to help get everybody moved and ready and prepared to come in. I’ve had registration staff in and out helping the clinical staff get their stuff moved and unpacking things and then going back for more. It takes all of that to make this happen, and I’m so proud of them!  

On Community Excitement  

“I think the community is excited too. Oh yeah, I know every time I go out, if I have a CHC shirt on, they’re like, ‘When are you guys open?’ And ‘When are you guys moving?’ Or ‘you know, we can’t wait to see it! We drive by and look through the windows,’ and things like that. So, I think we’ll have a lot of traffic that first week. People are coming in just to say ‘hi.’ It’s been an amazing ride.”   

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